Tag Archives: american politics

A Political Pause

I don’t usually use this blog for political commentary….but good grief….it’s getting ridiculous.  Can’t you all feel it?  Our Congress, made up of career congressmen, continue to sink us deeper and deeper in the Quagmire of Us versus Them.    America is slipping backwards.

Enough with the electronic gadgetry.  Discover a cure for Stupidity.  That disease is running rampant and will be America’s ruination.

If you still don’t get what I’m talking about – please read what I consider to be the best statement of the past year regarding our President:

“This is why it’s becoming impossible for elected Republicans to work with Democrats to improve our country,” said Markos Moulitsas, founder and publisher of Daily Kos. “They are a party beholden to conspiracy theorists who don’t even believe Obama was born in the United States, and already want to impeach him despite a glaring lack of scandal or wrongdoing. They think Obama is racist against white people and the second coming of Lenin. And if any of them stray and decide to do the right thing and try to work in a bipartisan fashion, they suffer primaries and attacks. Given what their base demands — and this poll illustrates them perfectly — it’s no wonder the GOP is the party of no.”

Excellent article here about the STUPID PEOPLE.

And here they are STATISTICALLY.

It’s really what I’ve been saying since a year ago: They hate him (or fear him) because he’s black.


Posted by on February 2, 2010 in Nothing to do with Lizzie


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